About Us

Contact Us

O.G.C.A. President: ogcagroups@gmail.com

O.H.H.S.S.C.A President: ohhssca@gmail.com

Who We Are & What We Do


The Ontario Geography Consultants’ Association (OGCA) is a Ontario provincial subject association, comprised largely of curriculum or program consultants. Its mission and mandate is to support curriculum and program leaders and consultants in their roles at the school and district levels and to advocate for strong programs in the discipline of geography within the Geography (Grades 7 and 8) and Canadian and World Studies (Grades 9-12) curriculum documents. OGCA regularly liaises with the Ministry of Education, its partners, and other stakeholders about issues and concerns that have an impact on program planning and delivery (curriculum, instruction and assessment and evaluation) in the discipline of geography. OGCA also supports curriculum and program leaders and consultants in their roles at the school and district levels.


The Ontario History, Humanities and Social Science Consultants’ Association (OHHSSCA) is a Ontario provincial subject association, comprised largely of curriculum or program consultants. Its mission and mandate is to support curriculum and program leaders and consultants in their roles at the school and district levels and to advocate for strong programs in the discipline of History (Grades 7 and 8) and Canadian and World Studies and Social Sciences and Humanities (Grades 9-12) curriculum documents. OHHSSCA regularly liaises with the Ministry of Education, its partners, and other stakeholders about issues and concerns that have an impact on program planning and delivery (curriculum, instruction and assessment and evaluation) in the disciplines we support.

Executive Positions

O.G.C.A. President




OG-OH Secretary

OG-OH Treasurer:

Executive Council Positions


The OGCA and OHHSSCA promote and support effective and promising practices in the 21st century for teaching and learning in the Social Studies, History, Geography, Canadian and World Studies and Social Sciences and Humanities curriculum from grades 7 to 12 through advocacy, outreach, and partnership.


The Constitution of the Ontario Geography Consultants Association, Ontario History, Humanities, and Social Sciences Consultants’ Association is available at http://goo.gl/KIuhd (PDF).

Meeting Agendas and Minutes

Minutes November 12, 2012